Living in the country definitely has it's advantages, but one of the disadvantages is definitely the dust!!! Over the years I have discovered a few tricks that have helped reduce the dust factor in my house. So, without further adieu I give you my best three tips and a checklist I use to help ensure I don't miss anything. :)

Trick #1: Use microfiber cloths. I used to use just regular rags and found out that microfiber cloths are electrostatically charged.... which by very definition means they attract dust!!! They are also highly absorbent so they will last longer than regular cloths during cleaning. The best thing about them is they won’t leave lint or dust behind and will leave your surfaces streak-free.

Trick #2: For those hard to reach areas for dusting and delicate areas, try using pantyhose under the dust brush on your vacuum nozzle. You can use the nozzle with the dust brush and pantyhose without vacuuming up those small items you don't want in your vacuum. (I wouldn't use fishnet hose though. :) )

Trick #3: Use fabric softener sheets on your TV screens. I used to clean houses for a living and this was the best trick EVER!!!! The dust comes right off without leaving anything behind.

I try and I try to dust... but quite frankly... I don't like to do it. So, I came up with a process to dust and it actually works really good for my family. Hopefully you will find the same success!!!
I have 4 levels in my home. Every week I have a dusting day. (That is the day I dust my house) My dusting day is Wednesday. If it is the 1st week of the month I know I am dusting the 1st level in my house. The 2nd week I will dust the 2nd level in my house and so forth. I really like this plan because when the month has five weeks I get a week off from dusting! Whoo Hoo!!!
On Wednesday I get out my Dusting Room 1010 plan and ask my kids what portion of the process they want to be in charge of. Then we all get to work and dust that level. It doesn't take us a lot of time to go through the process, and vuwala!!! We am done dusting for the week!!!
Items Needed:
-at least 2 Microfiber cloths
-Step Ladder (to clean light fixtures or high items)
I have 4 levels in my home. Every week I have a dusting day. (That is the day I dust my house) My dusting day is Wednesday. If it is the 1st week of the month I know I am dusting the 1st level in my house. The 2nd week I will dust the 2nd level in my house and so forth. I really like this plan because when the month has five weeks I get a week off from dusting! Whoo Hoo!!!
On Wednesday I get out my Dusting Room 1010 plan and ask my kids what portion of the process they want to be in charge of. Then we all get to work and dust that level. It doesn't take us a lot of time to go through the process, and vuwala!!! We am done dusting for the week!!!
Items Needed:
-at least 2 Microfiber cloths
-Step Ladder (to clean light fixtures or high items)

dusting_rooms_1010.pdf |