Ok, so maybe this is a bit outlandish and overstates the capabilities of this diet plan, but the truth is, these three diet principles are ones you can live for life. Diet itself actually comes from a latin root word, diaeta, meaning “way of living”. If you think any quick fix diet will work for you long term you are wrong. I am so sorry for being the bearer of bad news, but it’s the truth. A cleanse is quick and fairly easy, and a great way to kickstart a weight loss effort but the results won’t last. A no carb diet is great for those of us with extreme discipline, so not most of us ;). If you have time to exercise 4 hours a day, basically any diet will lean you up and have you bikini ready. I don’t have that kind of time or discipline, and I really like food, so a permanent cleanse or 90 day water fast(yes, I’ve seen people do those) doesn’t work for me. Instead, here are three simple adjustments you can make to your lifestyle to drop some excess body fat and be a healthier you.
1. Permanent detox- The first thing you need to do is go on a permanent detox. Often our bodies hold onto excess fat because those fat cells are storing toxic waste the body couldn’t eliminate by other means. As these store up, you hold onto the fat. No amount of “dieting” will fix that. What you need to do is cleanse or detoxify. This isn’t a one-time event. This needs to become a “diaeta” or way of living. There are some easy tricks to help your body regularly get rid of these toxins. First, eat more salads, sprouts, and greens in general. Green drinks and juices are a great little addition, though they may take some getting used to. Apple cider vinegar is another great trick. We make homemade Italian dressing for our salads with apple cider vinegar. Have some fun and read up on the benefits of lemon juice. A powerlifting friend of mine drinks water with lemon juice and a bit of honey every day and claims that is what’s kept him in the game so long(He’s also the only person in Utah to ever squat 1000 pounds. He’s never touched steroids either!)
2. Reduce your stress- So many of us try to squeeze in too much. Life is so demanding in our age of technology and the Jones’s. Instead, make 2014 the year you downsize your life. Eliminate debt and things you don’t need, plant a garden, resolve old emotional issues, do some visualization and meditation, say your sorry, quit hanging around people that drag you down. All of these things cause negative stress on your body and mind, which in turn causes your body to release negative hormones into your body. These hormones cause you to not only hang onto the fat you have, but to store even more. So clean out the closet and slow down your life a bit for a great boost to your physical, as well as your mental health.
3. Feed and Heal your body- This year instead of starving your body, feed it! I discovered that I was chronically deficient of magnesium and that’s why I had headaches and migraines. Maybe it’s your omega-3’s, a little more sunshine or some sleep, some iron, or whatever. Find out what your body needs and give it that. You’ll find that by feeding your body you’ll eat better, not worse. You may need to go so far as to heal your digestive system so your body can absorb those nutrients that it’s missing. Probiotics and digestive enzymes have been a great trick to help me stay healthy. They’ve also helped my body to reduce inflammation in my digestive system, which reduces those inflammatory hormone responses that trigger fat storage.
While I’m not a doctor and I can’t guarantee to fix all that stands in the way of your dream body, I can guarantee that each of these tips will improve your health and your life in 2014. What do you have to lose… besides fat ?
About this Author: Ed Kinsey has been in the financial services industry since 2003. He has experience in Real Estate, Mortgages, Commercial Finance, Annuities, and Life and Health Insurance. His goal is to benefit the lives of one million people. He want companies to start providing better benefits at lower costs through our services. He wants to enlighten people to the retirement benefits available through life insurance, the only tax free retirement option. We have secure solutions. Ed is also a world ranked powerlifter and fitness enthusiast.
1. Permanent detox- The first thing you need to do is go on a permanent detox. Often our bodies hold onto excess fat because those fat cells are storing toxic waste the body couldn’t eliminate by other means. As these store up, you hold onto the fat. No amount of “dieting” will fix that. What you need to do is cleanse or detoxify. This isn’t a one-time event. This needs to become a “diaeta” or way of living. There are some easy tricks to help your body regularly get rid of these toxins. First, eat more salads, sprouts, and greens in general. Green drinks and juices are a great little addition, though they may take some getting used to. Apple cider vinegar is another great trick. We make homemade Italian dressing for our salads with apple cider vinegar. Have some fun and read up on the benefits of lemon juice. A powerlifting friend of mine drinks water with lemon juice and a bit of honey every day and claims that is what’s kept him in the game so long(He’s also the only person in Utah to ever squat 1000 pounds. He’s never touched steroids either!)
2. Reduce your stress- So many of us try to squeeze in too much. Life is so demanding in our age of technology and the Jones’s. Instead, make 2014 the year you downsize your life. Eliminate debt and things you don’t need, plant a garden, resolve old emotional issues, do some visualization and meditation, say your sorry, quit hanging around people that drag you down. All of these things cause negative stress on your body and mind, which in turn causes your body to release negative hormones into your body. These hormones cause you to not only hang onto the fat you have, but to store even more. So clean out the closet and slow down your life a bit for a great boost to your physical, as well as your mental health.
3. Feed and Heal your body- This year instead of starving your body, feed it! I discovered that I was chronically deficient of magnesium and that’s why I had headaches and migraines. Maybe it’s your omega-3’s, a little more sunshine or some sleep, some iron, or whatever. Find out what your body needs and give it that. You’ll find that by feeding your body you’ll eat better, not worse. You may need to go so far as to heal your digestive system so your body can absorb those nutrients that it’s missing. Probiotics and digestive enzymes have been a great trick to help me stay healthy. They’ve also helped my body to reduce inflammation in my digestive system, which reduces those inflammatory hormone responses that trigger fat storage.
While I’m not a doctor and I can’t guarantee to fix all that stands in the way of your dream body, I can guarantee that each of these tips will improve your health and your life in 2014. What do you have to lose… besides fat ?
About this Author: Ed Kinsey has been in the financial services industry since 2003. He has experience in Real Estate, Mortgages, Commercial Finance, Annuities, and Life and Health Insurance. His goal is to benefit the lives of one million people. He want companies to start providing better benefits at lower costs through our services. He wants to enlighten people to the retirement benefits available through life insurance, the only tax free retirement option. We have secure solutions. Ed is also a world ranked powerlifter and fitness enthusiast.