Continued from PART 1
My journey of losing 130 lbs was a lot of work. I planned out my meals every night on a form I created before I went to bed. I woke up early every morning, which by the way was freakin difficult for me since I am NOT a morning person, I made a call to someone and told her what I would be eating down the ounce of tsp, I prepped my food every morning, went to 3 weight loss meetings a week, made 3 phone calls to people in my program a day, wrote on a question everyday and did service. People tell me it's hard what I require of them, but let me tell you, I WORKED MY BUTT OFF to get the results I have and although I don't think you have to do as much as I did, it still requires good healthy habits. But you have to WANT IT. I discovered after working with soo many people that I can't want it more than they want it for themselves. It's also NOT as difficult to make that SWITCH as most people think.
STOP with the GARBAGE THINKING. Start by taking one step in the right direction. Make a plan, get a support around you to help you NOT give up and GET ON WITH IT.
I just got a call today from an old family friend of ours that I haven't seen in years. Although he hasn't had the same story as mine, his story was just as powerful. I could hear in his voice the frustration as he shared his experience of watching many of his friends struggling with such health issues as, heart disease, high cholesterol among others. His friends watched as he took back control of his own life and lost 43 lbs. After beating the odds of having to deal with high cholesterol issues the rest of his life, he began sharing what he did with others and he realized that some were open to his suggestions and some where not. The ones who listened, he said lost weight and look like a million bucks and the ones who didn't died!
I would love to say that doctors out there understand and know about nutrition but the fact of the matter is, MOST do not! How often do you hear a doctor say "How about we get you in to meet with a local nutritionist to help you with your aching knees, shortness of breath, your diabetes and your back pain." No, they just tell you to take this pill or that pill. Do you realize that your body regenerates it's cells every 2 years and depending on the FUEL or the food you put into your body will give those cells what they need to heal? Yeah, well welcome to the NAKED TRUTH about health.
We are literally living in a HUGE cloud of DENIAL. I can't listen to one more person tell me all the reasons why they CAN'T lose weight when they can't even get honest with themselves. GET OUT OF YOUR FAT BRAIN and into your BIG HEART is what I say! YES it take work, but the work is worth it. I will tell you from first hand experience after having my weight off for 3 years now and living a life thin has brought me INCREDIBLE experiences let alone connections I don't believe I could have ever had before.
So maybe you am I so passionate about this? Well, even though I have tried several different things and are wiling to fall flat on my face and get back up, is because I KNOW what it takes. I am come to realize through massive trial and error, I am NOT looking for the people who NEED what I have to share, I am looking for the ones who WANT what it is that I share because those wanting it will be WILLING to do what it takes to reap the rewards of HEALTHY LIVING. Until you get to that point, there is NO POINT in trying! Good luck!
About this Author: Becky Sampson has dedicated her life in helping people overcome their personal battles with weight loss. She provides a unique approach in that she herself lost 130 pounds and has kept it off for over 3 years. Becky understands the physical, emotional, and physiological sides that people need to overcome in order to release their own beauty within. She is known to say, “No matter what the challenge is that you face in life, there is always a way to overcome it if you can get your head in the game.” Learn more about Becky at www.CreatingHealthyLiving.com
My journey of losing 130 lbs was a lot of work. I planned out my meals every night on a form I created before I went to bed. I woke up early every morning, which by the way was freakin difficult for me since I am NOT a morning person, I made a call to someone and told her what I would be eating down the ounce of tsp, I prepped my food every morning, went to 3 weight loss meetings a week, made 3 phone calls to people in my program a day, wrote on a question everyday and did service. People tell me it's hard what I require of them, but let me tell you, I WORKED MY BUTT OFF to get the results I have and although I don't think you have to do as much as I did, it still requires good healthy habits. But you have to WANT IT. I discovered after working with soo many people that I can't want it more than they want it for themselves. It's also NOT as difficult to make that SWITCH as most people think.
STOP with the GARBAGE THINKING. Start by taking one step in the right direction. Make a plan, get a support around you to help you NOT give up and GET ON WITH IT.
I just got a call today from an old family friend of ours that I haven't seen in years. Although he hasn't had the same story as mine, his story was just as powerful. I could hear in his voice the frustration as he shared his experience of watching many of his friends struggling with such health issues as, heart disease, high cholesterol among others. His friends watched as he took back control of his own life and lost 43 lbs. After beating the odds of having to deal with high cholesterol issues the rest of his life, he began sharing what he did with others and he realized that some were open to his suggestions and some where not. The ones who listened, he said lost weight and look like a million bucks and the ones who didn't died!
I would love to say that doctors out there understand and know about nutrition but the fact of the matter is, MOST do not! How often do you hear a doctor say "How about we get you in to meet with a local nutritionist to help you with your aching knees, shortness of breath, your diabetes and your back pain." No, they just tell you to take this pill or that pill. Do you realize that your body regenerates it's cells every 2 years and depending on the FUEL or the food you put into your body will give those cells what they need to heal? Yeah, well welcome to the NAKED TRUTH about health.
We are literally living in a HUGE cloud of DENIAL. I can't listen to one more person tell me all the reasons why they CAN'T lose weight when they can't even get honest with themselves. GET OUT OF YOUR FAT BRAIN and into your BIG HEART is what I say! YES it take work, but the work is worth it. I will tell you from first hand experience after having my weight off for 3 years now and living a life thin has brought me INCREDIBLE experiences let alone connections I don't believe I could have ever had before.
So maybe you am I so passionate about this? Well, even though I have tried several different things and are wiling to fall flat on my face and get back up, is because I KNOW what it takes. I am come to realize through massive trial and error, I am NOT looking for the people who NEED what I have to share, I am looking for the ones who WANT what it is that I share because those wanting it will be WILLING to do what it takes to reap the rewards of HEALTHY LIVING. Until you get to that point, there is NO POINT in trying! Good luck!
About this Author: Becky Sampson has dedicated her life in helping people overcome their personal battles with weight loss. She provides a unique approach in that she herself lost 130 pounds and has kept it off for over 3 years. Becky understands the physical, emotional, and physiological sides that people need to overcome in order to release their own beauty within. She is known to say, “No matter what the challenge is that you face in life, there is always a way to overcome it if you can get your head in the game.” Learn more about Becky at www.CreatingHealthyLiving.com